Letter of Ethics and Integrity
At NUPCO we strive to uphold and cultivate an environment of integrity, ethics, and transparency by fostering a culture that reflects the values set out in NUPCO’s Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery Policy, and Conflict of Interest policies. NUPCO promotes a speak up culture and upholds a non-retaliation policy against whistleblowers.
If you have reason to believe of a potential or ongoing incident breaching these policies, then you are encouraged to report through this channel. You have the option to remain anonymous. Your identity will be protected by NUPCO regardless.
Please note: reporting anonymously will make contacting you with respect to the concern raised difficult. You can follow up about your concern raised by sending an email to wbn@nupco.com.
Acknowledgement and Agreement Tick that all information is concise, accurate, and made in good faith.
By clicking Send, you have read and agree to our Whistleblowing Policy.
You can also Whistleblowing via the company’s mailing address (National Address):
Saeed Alsalme St. Digital City. Riyadh 12251 – 2721 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia